「実践から学ぶ英語翻訳法 改訂版」購入お申込みページ


時事英語翻訳コンテストの出題者・添削委員「斉木鉄人」による執筆。 まぐまぐ!有料版で好評を博した「でんしゃ理論(Train Theory)で英文翻訳」をベースにた英文読解の解説書。初版本の内容をブラシュアップした改訂版は、翻訳学習をより効果的に高める内容となっています。









そのため、執筆途中に多くの難題、例えば主語の存在、that clauseの意義、分詞(現在・過去)の働き、助動詞が本動詞と分離した理由などに遭遇し、未解決問題や理論の矛盾などあらゆる後始末が必要となり、否応なく改訂版を執筆せざるをえなくなったのです。

時事英語翻訳コンテスト出題者 斉木 鉄人


実践から学ぶ英語翻訳法 改訂版 ダウンロード版



第1巻(1話 ~ 150話) : 6,500円(税込)
第2巻(151話 ~ 250話): 5,500円(税込)
第3巻(251話 ~ 350話): 4,500円(税込)

第1巻 目次

①such thatの用法:S1+V1+O such that S2+V2
②andの用法:S1+V1, and S2+V2
③just notによる強調:S+(be) about+O1, just not+O2


でんしゃ理論2 ①andの用法:(be)+V1ed on top of, and eventually V2ed into, N
②asの意味の特定:as S1+V1, S2+V2
でんしゃ理論3 ①whether-cl の用法:S1+V1+C(adj) whether S2+V2, or whether S3+V3
②物主構文の扱い:What distinguishes+O from+O?
でんしゃ理論4 ①there is 構文の用法:here can be no easy answer to+O
②物主構文の扱い:History has demonstrated cases ~ that V+O
でんしゃ理論5 ①物主語とthat-clを目的語とする他動詞との関係:It argues that S+V
②transform~intoの用法:S+(be) transformed into+O
③in語句の形容詞化:they are a function of+O, and they are in constant motion
でんしゃ理論6 ①前置詞ofの決定権はどれか?:an example of how S+V
②副詞と動詞の役割:successfully create+O
でんしゃ理論7 ①慣用語句:as is the case for+O, S+V
③不定詞の未来時制:~ for many generations to come
でんしゃ理論8 ①動詞tellとnot justの用法:(be) told not just as+O
②nexusの法則に基づく接続関係:S1+V1 to-inf(vt)+O to-inf prep+how S2+V2 so that S3+may+v
③動詞と不定詞の関係:offers the opportunity to-inf
でんしゃ理論9 ①動詞getと受動態:get deepened and expanded
②物主語と自動詞の関係:S(物)+contribute to+O
でんしゃ理論10 ①butの相関語句:S1+may+V1, but S2+V2
②部分否定:not necessarily+V
③文頭の不定詞の用法:To-inf, S+V
でんしゃ理論11 ①コロンcolon記号の用法:S1+include: S2+V2. S3+V3.
②andの「形式の同一性」:ideas of citizenship and the ways that S+V
でんしゃ理論12 ①前置詞by とinの関係は何?:by both separately and together in+O
②前置詞句in addition toの用法:In addition to+o, S+V+O
でんしゃ理論13 ①関係詞直前の前置詞:the circumstances under which S+V
でんしゃ理論14 ①等位接続詞butの「性質の同一性」:resembles but is distinct from
②名詞の機能と2つの前置詞:V(vt)+ a fusion of+O1 with+O2
でんしゃ理論15 ①名詞wayの用法:ways to realize+O
②動詞reconcileの用法:reconcile these differences into+O
でんしゃ理論16 ①代名詞thoseの用法:those found in+O
②関係詞の継続的用法:S1+V1 prep+O1, which then approach+O2
でんしゃ理論17 ①前置詞toの被接続語:craft a solution to+O
②動詞と不定詞の関係:work together to-inf
③副詞directlyの被修飾語:approach+O1 directly before+O2
でんしゃ理論18 ①従属接続詞only ifの用法:only if S1+V1, S2+V2
②動詞(be) accountableと二重前置詞:(be) accountable to+O1 for+O2
でんしゃ理論19 ①there is構文と倒置の関係:there are other ways that S+V
②文中でのnexusの法則:strong motivators for-to-inf
③動詞getの用法:S+get+O1(物)+heard by+O2
でんしゃ理論20 ①不定詞の副詞的用法の処理法:combine+O to-inf
②ダッシュ記号em dashの用法:from+A ? from+B, from+ C, and from+D
でんしゃ理論21 ①be動詞と直後の前置詞語句:Its focus is on+O
②不完全他動詞のcapture:capture democracy as it functions
③不定詞の被接続語と構造設定:Its focus is on capturing+O1 prep+O2 to understand+O3
④分詞構文の付帯状況の位置:S, working with+O1, V+O2
⑤2つの動詞とその機能:S+make and remake+O+“real”
でんしゃ理論22 ①分詞構文の接続詞省略と付帯状況:S+V, resulting in+O
②セミコロンsemicolon記号の用法:S1+V1; S2+V2
③itの用法:It is time for+o to-inf
でんしゃ理論23 ①not~, but rather:should not be+A(S1+V1), but rather+B(S2+V2)
②be動詞の補語:be how much S+V
でんしゃ理論24 ①動詞expectとto-inf:expect+O to-inf
でんしゃ理論25 ①命令文とセミコロン:note that S1+V1; S2+V2
②動詞matchの用法:match+O1 with+O2
でんしゃ理論26 ①関係詞を目的語とする前置詞:~, of which S+V(be)+ the largest group
②コロン記号とパーレン記号:five municipalities: A, B (b-ph), and C(c-ph)
でんしゃ理論27 ①挿入語句の表現法の扱い:Aside from+O, which+v, S+V
②分詞形容詞と前置詞:matched case studies for+O
でんしゃ理論28 ①従属節と主節の関係:This is largely because S+V
②従属節と主節の関係:There is a large bias ~ because S+V
でんしゃ理論29 ①前置詞withの用法:S+V, with the given name first and the family name second
②従属接続詞の前置詞化:Rather than+O, S+V
でんしゃ理論30 ①等位接続詞orの用法: (be) called by+O1, or sometimes just by+O2
②等位接続詞orの用法:(be) more likely to-inf ~than with+O
でんしゃ理論31 ①代名詞itの用法:It is a rich political system ~ that is+C
②過去分詞とnexusの法則:a collective response by+O1 aimed at+O2
でんしゃ理論32 ①it~for~toの構文:it is quite reasonable for+O to-inf
②現在分詞による挿入語句:Polities ~, representing+O, have now +Ved
③副詞successfullyの用法:have now V1ed, and ~ have successfully +V2ed
でんしゃ理論33 ①形容詞の被修飾語の特定:a holistic and accurate way of+ving
②2つの現在分詞の用法は?:develop+O1, which+v~, explicating+O2 and creating+O3
でんしゃ理論34 ①includingとsuch asの違い:S+V+C(n), including+O
②as well asは前置詞か、従属接続詞か:explains+O1 as well as supplies+O2
でんしゃ理論35 ①動詞putの構造的機能:put those ideas into practice
②文頭の前置詞語句の役割:instead of+ving, S+V2
でんしゃ理論36 ①transformと不定詞(目的)の関係:the practices of ~ transform+O to-inf
②seek toは助動詞か?:S+will seek to modify+O
でんしゃ理論37 ①間接疑問詞と前置詞の関係:S+V1 about which+N1+V2
②関係詞の継続的用法:S+V1, many of which+V2
③形容詞の修飾関係と後置用法:political practices consistent with+O
でんしゃ理論38 ①他動詞の機能と動詞の慣用句:make the most of+O
②使役動詞の機能と動詞の慣用句:having+O1 take root in+O2
③both~andの用法:Both the content of policies and the process through which they come about V+O
でんしゃ理論39 ①関係副詞と先行詞:the time and place where S+V
②名詞の機能とnexusの法則:an opportunity for+O to-inf
③不完全他動詞の機能:empower+O to-inf
でんしゃ理論40 ①for~toの用法(不定詞の文頭語):for a country to-inf, S+V
②動詞holdとfor~toの用法:S+must hold for+O to-inf
でんしゃ理論41 ①that-clを目的語とする前置詞、関係詞と間接疑問詞:The political battles over who+v V+C
②whatは関係詞か間接疑問詞か:what it means for+O to-inf+V
③動詞の機能と慣用句:come up with
④動詞demonstrateの用法:demonstrate that S+V
でんしゃ理論42 ①接続語asの用法:tracing+O1 to+O1 as recorded in+O2
②動詞discussの用法:discusses how S(es)+are taught to-inf
でんしゃ理論43 ①as well asの用法:in political, economic, as well as social contexts
②to-infの用法:S+was to inculcate+O
③物主構文と使役動詞enableの用法:S(物)+enable+O(物) to-inf
でんしゃ理論44 ①関係詞を伴った挿入語句:prep+O1, which V+O2, S+V
②use~to-infの用法:S1+used+O to argue that S2+V
でんしゃ理論45 ①found toの用法:S+is found to play an important role
②based onの用法:statistical analyses based on+O
③between~andの用法:correlations between+O1 such as+A, B, and O2
でんしゃ理論46 ①関係詞の二重限定:one subset that V1+C that V2+O
②of~vingとnexusの法則:of individual actors seeking to-inf
③view~asの用法:is viewed as+O
でんしゃ理論47 ①of~toとnexusの法則:the desire of nondemocratic rulers to-inf
②focusの働きと前置詞asの関係:focus+O1 on+O2 as+O3
でんしゃ理論48 ①howは間接疑問詞か間接感嘆詞か:examined how slight modifications ~ V
でんしゃ理論49 ①同格の表現法:not focus ~ on+O1, but rather on+O2 between the two, civil society
②関係詞の継続的用法と物主構文:~, which argued that S+V
でんしゃ理論50 ①ダッシュの日本語表現法:the practices ― what S+V of civic society
②名詞shiftの機能:a shift from+O1 to+O2
でんしゃ理論51 ①in addition to語句がなぜ文頭に?:in addition to+O, S+has become+C
②主語one of~と動詞Vとの関係:One of+O(es) is that S+V
でんしゃ理論52 ①他動詞findの用法:have been found to support+O
②分詞構文か、それとも分詞形容詞か?:S+V+O1, enjoying+O2
でんしゃ理論53 ①代名詞と形容詞の関係:the one most commonly told about+O
②to-infの副詞的用法の扱い:banded together to-inf and wrest+O
でんしゃ理論54 ①挿入語句の処理法:S, along with+O, seeking to-inf, V
②ppの処理法:N+ termed+C(n)
③関係詞の限定的用法と継続的用法:~ militarization, which led to+O
でんしゃ理論55 ①挿入語句の処理法:elites, either native or foreign, drafted+O
②動詞と前置詞asの関係:characterized+O1 as+O2
でんしゃ理論56 ①動詞thinkの用法:thought+O to be+C
②特殊な分詞構文の接続詞の省略:S1+V1, experience having shown that S2+V2
でんしゃ理論57 ①動詞の構造的機能と動詞句:call into question whether S+V
②動詞showと不定詞の関係:show a reluctance to-inf
③as well as の機能変化と訳出への影響:“democratic” values as well as “democracy-promoting”values
でんしゃ理論58 ①動詞concludeの用法:concluded that S+V
②代名詞itの用法:It is not only lacking+O that V+C
③名詞effectの構造的機能:the effects of+O
でんしゃ理論59 ①自動詞の他動詞化:come up with different pictures
②筆者の主観的傾向: (be) unlikely to be able to explain how S+V
③文修飾副詞:Nor can they clearly account for+O
でんしゃ理論60 ①it~thatの強調構文:It is precisely because S+V that-cl
②直前の名詞への接続法:a chance to-inf / answers to+O / questions related to+O / theories presented
でんしゃ理論61 ①過去分詞の分詞構文:Frustrated by+O1, Migdal developed+O2
②関係詞節内における関係詞の継続的用法の挿入語句:a discipline that+V1+O1 and V2+O2, all of which+V+C
でんしゃ理論62 ①関係詞節の挿入語句:while S1+V1+O, which V2+C, S2+V3
②接続詞norと関係詞の継続的用法:neither A nor B even+V1, where S+V2+O
でんしゃ理論63 ①接続詞節の挿入語句:S+V1+O that, once+pp, V2+C
②形容詞の後位置の用法:other+N currently available
でんしゃ理論64 ①他動詞conceptualizeの機能(完全他動詞と不完全他動詞の検証法):conceptualizes+O as embedded
②接続詞and:are related to one another ~ and evolve such that ~
でんしゃ理論65 ①典型的な物主構文(受動態との比較):S(物) gives the state-in-society approach+O
②物主構文の準用:S(物) offers+O
でんしゃ理論66 ①関係詞による関係詞節への影響:the images that S+have of+O
②ofの用法と品詞変換の影響:the mutual transformation of+O
でんしゃ理論67 ①不定詞の独立用法:To reiterate, S+V
②挿入語句の構造物と挿入語句の関係詞の関係:To reiterate, unlike+O, which+V1, S+V2
③different fromの用法:different+N from+O
④関係詞の限定的方法と継続的用法の訳出:S+V1 prep+O1 ? caused by+O2 ? that+V2
でんしゃ理論68 ①他動詞designの用法と助動詞の関係:(be) designed to-inf
②for~to構文:For+O to-inf, S+V
でんしゃ理論69 ①他動詞understandの用法と不定詞の関係:(be) understood to-inf
②他動詞modifyの用法と不定詞の関係:(be) modified to-inf
でんしゃ理論70 ①文頭の不定詞の用法:To take the same example, S+V
②接続詞so thatの用法:may be modified so that S+become more inclusive
③simultaneously ~ andの用法:simultaneously inclusive and diverse
でんしゃ理論71 ①他動詞utilizeと不定詞の関係:utilize political resources ~ to help (re)create
②間接疑問形容詞の用法:about which values are ~ and what means are ~
でんしゃ理論72 ①動詞assumeの表現法に問題あり:it does not assume that-cl
②前置詞forの目的語の形態:guideposts for how to behave
でんしゃ理論73 ①前置詞ofの用法:have visions of what-cl
②分詞構文の接続詞省略とは?:will have ~ and will promote ~, leading to+O
でんしゃ理論74 ①one of~とbe that-clの用法:One of ~ is that-cl
②動詞privilegeの用法:privilege+O over+O
でんしゃ理論75 ①等位接続詞andの用法:between A’ a, b, and c and those of B
②他動詞suggestの用法:suggest that-cl
③only~ifの用法:only become possible if-cl
でんしゃ理論76 ①同格関係にある各関係詞の性質:Unlike countries that-cl, where-cl, S+V
②be toの用法:the challenges are to-inf
でんしゃ理論77 ①本動詞と助動詞の区分け:has tended to be involved in+O
②it~thatの強調構文:it is the state that needs reinforcement
でんしゃ理論78 ①他動詞requireの用法:requires much of+O
②助動詞の分類:need to become+C
③過去分詞informedの用法:become informed about+O
④過去分詞basedの用法:and then vote based on+O
でんしゃ理論79 ①2つの動詞と接続詞and:S+is regarded as+O1 and entails+O2
②不定代名詞one thing~anotherの用法:It is one thing to-inf. It is quite another to-inf
でんしゃ理論80 ①動詞revealと間接感嘆詞howの用法:reveals how important S+V(be)
②指示代名詞those ofの用法:between norms of+O1 and those of+O2
でんしゃ理論81 ①代名詞の位置とnexusの法則:in their test of+O, S(es)+V
②it~thatの強調構文の判断基準:it was gender norms ~ that V+O
でんしゃ理論82 ①物主構文の用法:focusing on ~ enables+O to-inf
②enough toの用法:broad enough to-inf
でんしゃ理論83 ①動詞think ofの働き:be thought of as “ahead” of+O
②not only~but alsoの慣用語句:not only V1+O1, but also V2+O2
③動詞robの用法:robs+O1 of+O2
でんしゃ理論84 ①be likely toは助動詞か?:(be) likely to be familiar with+O
②形容詞importantを後置した理由は?:a few values important in+O
③includingの用法:~ traditions, including+O
でんしゃ理論85 ①due toの用法:S+V+O due to scholars
②動詞continueの用法とintoの被接続語は何か?:~ has continued to be developed into+O
でんしゃ理論86 ①関係詞whatと動詞refer toの用法:in what is referred to as+O
②分詞構文の接続詞省略: (has) waxed and waned, reaching+O
③他動詞rejectとas-phrの働き:reject as “backward”+O
④分詞構文の接続詞省略とto-infの副詞的用法:S+V, eventually adopting and modifying+O to-inf
でんしゃ理論87 ①他動詞creditの用法:Maruyama credits Ogyu Sorai with+O
②前置詞withの用法:place+O1 in dialogue with+O2
③挿入語句の用法:For Maruyama, whose influence on ~, S+V
でんしゃ理論88 ①倒置構文:Radiating out from ~ are groups of beings -
でんしゃ理論89 ①分詞構文の用法:states being rightly governed, S+V
でんしゃ理論90 ①, not justの用法:(be) viewed as+O1, not just as+O2
でんしゃ理論91 ①他動詞renderの用法:the concept is rendered “heart / mind”
②他動詞mergeの用法:S+merges two ideas~, with+O
でんしゃ理論92 ①前置詞ofと不定詞の関係:the tendency of+O to-inf
②it~whichの強調構文の見分け方:It is the force applied which+V+O
③関係詞の継続的用法の先行詞は何?:S1+V1+C because S2+V2+O, which+V3(vi)+adv
でんしゃ理論93 ①that-clを目的語とする動詞と間接感嘆詞の用法:Note how different A is from B
②前置詞ofの目的語をthat-clで訳出できるか?:the manifestation of one’s understanding of others
でんしゃ理論94 ①不完全他動詞takeの用法:(be) taken to mean that-cl
②動詞haveの用法:what has+S+to do with+O?
でんしゃ理論95 ①分詞形容詞の助動詞的な働き:(be) supposed to-inf
でんしゃ理論96 ①前置詞語句の扱い:Relationships according to+O+V
②本動詞と助動詞の区別(挿入語句との関係):strive, through+O, to act
でんしゃ理論97 ①物主構文と動詞:Confucian emphasis on+O1 has led to+O2
②動詞の名詞変化と前置詞asの関係:a characterization of+O1 as+O2(ving)
でんしゃ理論98 ①従属接続詞と等位接続詞の扱い:S1+V1, just as S2+V2
②等位接続詞butの省略?: S1+is not only+C, S2+V+O
でんしゃ理論99 ①代名詞の所有格と過去分詞の用法:its associated relationships
②二重の前置詞の扱い:the value placed on+O1 over+O2
③irrespective ofの扱い:equal treatment for+O1 irrespective of+O2
④動詞describeの働き:S+can be described as prep+O
でんしゃ理論100 ①過去分詞requiredの被修飾語は何か?:the+adj+N1 and pp1, pp2+N2 required for+O
でんしゃ理論101 ①伏線用語:connections both among+O1 and between+O2 and O3
②動詞inclineの用法:(be) inclined toward+O
③rather thanの用法:toward adj1 rather than adj2 or adj3 +O
④助動詞の名詞化と不定詞の関係:Citizens’ willingness to-inf
でんしゃ理論102 ①他動詞expectの用法:(be) expected to engage in+O
②as well asの用法:~ , learning about+O1 as well as soliciting+O2
でんしゃ理論103 ①2つの従属節にandは不要か?:Although S1+V1, if S2+V2, S3+V3
②仮定法の用法:S+could+V, if S+ had+O
③andとnotの用法:S+(be) given moral and not just political+O
でんしゃ理論104 ①不完全他動詞と物主構文:S(物)+make it clear that-cl
でんしゃ理論105 ①同格の接続詞と直前の名詞との関係:the emphasis in this way that-cl V+C
②there is 構文と受身形・進行形:there has been an emphasis placed on+O
でんしゃ理論106 ①分詞構文と部分否定:While not entirely ~ consistent, S+V
②名詞wayの構造的機能と他動詞combine の用法:~ ways to combine+O1 into+O2
でんしゃ理論107 ①分詞構文の付帯状況:S+operate, sometimes reinforcing+O
②分詞構文の等位接続詞の省略:S+contains a multitude of values ~, reflecting+O
でんしゃ理論108 ①同格の接続詞thatの用法:recognition that S+V
②前置詞such asの被修飾語の位置:values that V+C, such as+O1, O2
③as withの用法:As with+O, S+V
でんしゃ理論109 ①繋合詞(copula) beの働きと倒置構文との関係:Most significant is the introduction of ~
②名詞と前置詞の関係:communication between+O1 and O2
でんしゃ理論110 ①不定詞の副詞的用法:draw on+O to-inf
でんしゃ理論111 ①前置詞withの付帯状況:there has been+S, with+O+ving
でんしゃ理論112 ①名詞wayと動詞harmonizeの用法:way to harmonize+O1 with+O2
②要求動詞の機能とthat-cl:require that S+be treated
③分詞構文の付帯状況か接続詞の省略か:S+changed dramatically, revealing+O
でんしゃ理論113 ①関係詞節の挿入語句のまとめ:Chapters, which examine+O1, take+O2
②nexusの法則の一例:Chapters, which examine+O1, take+O2 and show+O3
③andの働き:Chapters take the abstract concepts and show how S+V
でんしゃ理論114 ①関係詞asの用法:As would have been+pp, S+V
②2つの前置詞語句とnexusの法則:the effects of+O1 on+O2
③3つの前置詞語句と名詞の関係:the transfer of+O1 from+O2 to+O3
でんしゃ理論115 ①分詞構文の接続詞省略と不定詞の副詞的用法の関係:use+O1 to-inf, Ving+O2
②2つの前置詞語句の間にnexusの法則が成り立つか?:influence of+O1 on+O2
③前置詞の被接続語は?:offer evidence in support of+O
でんしゃ理論116 ①文頭の不定詞の用法:To reiterate+O, S+V
②2つの前置詞と被接続語の関係:The transformation of+O1 in+O2
でんしゃ理論117 ①名詞insightの構造的機能:useful insights into+O
②助動詞とは何か:(be) not intended to supply+O
③先行詞の見分け方:Most studies of+O1 that look to+O2 as+O3
④前置詞の目的語の形態:N+about how S1+V1 V2+C
でんしゃ理論118 ①less+A and more+Bの用法:focus less on+O1 and more on+O2
②those+adjの用法:those studying+O1 as well as those examining+O2
③動詞enable ~toの用法とthe+adjの用法:enable the disempowered to become empowered
でんしゃ理論119 ①both A as well as B:both moments that-cl as well as moments of+O
②動詞replace ~ withの用法と2つの前置詞語句の処理:replacement of+O1 with+O2
③動詞seeの用法:be seen as similar to+O
でんしゃ理論120 ①not~butの変形:understanding responses to ~, not thoughtful anticipation of ~
でんしゃ理論121 ①前置詞の目的語の形態:confusion about what kind of form S+V
でんしゃ理論122 ①文頭にある不定詞の用法:to draw on+O, S+V
でんしゃ理論123 ①not~butの用法:(be) not a particular experience ~, but rather where S+V
②前置詞の目的語の形態:S1+V1, according to where S2+V2
③前置詞withの用法:S+V, with participation first rising and then falling
でんしゃ理論124 ①動詞proceedの助動詞化とnarrateの用法:proceed to narrate+O1 as+O2
②過去分詞boundedの用法:a cohort of individuals bounded by+O
でんしゃ理論125 ①may~butの用法:S+may be fuzzy, but S+V
②be intended to-infの助動詞化:S+is not intended to disprove+O
③both~as well asの用法:both A(n) as well as B(n)
④, such that ~の用法:S1+V1 prep+O, such that S2+V2
でんしゃ理論126 ①能動態と受動態:S+include+O
②能動態と受動態:S+is reached when-cl
でんしゃ理論127 ①different~thanの用法:A+(be) different ~ than+B
②助動詞shouldの用法:S+should have+O
③a configuration ofの用法:a different configuration of values
でんしゃ理論128 ①不定詞の副詞的用法-独立と分詞構文の独立用法:To be clear, S+V
②文全体修飾副詞と目的論的解釈:Certainly, S+V
③動詞takeの用法:likely take+O for granted
でんしゃ理論129 ①比例の接続詞asの用法:As ~ matures, S+V
②接続詞onceの用法:Once in power, S+V
③分詞構文の接続詞の省略:have the opportunity to use+O to-inf, remaking ~
でんしゃ理論130 ①作為動詞haveの用法:Having+O1 gain+O2
②接続語rather thanの用法:to reinforce+O1 rather than remake+O2
でんしゃ理論131 ①接続詞becauseの用法:S1+V1 because S2+V2
②間接疑問詞節による主語:Whether and how S+V is subject to+O
でんしゃ理論132 ①文修飾副詞の変化形:Perhaps unexpectedly, S+V
②分詞形容詞の構造的機能:than any other variable tested
③純粋形容詞の構造的機能:individual values currently available
でんしゃ理論133 ①文頭の不定詞と文中のwhenの扱い方:To test+O, I had to determine when S+V
②文頭の接続詞と分詞構文:While not+N, S+V
③不完全他動詞codeの用法:(be) coded as having+pp
でんしゃ理論134 ①結果の接続詞:S1+V1, so S2+V2
②文頭の副詞接続詞:Similarly, S+V
③動詞unifyの構造的機:unify+O1 with+O2
④不完全他動詞determineの用法:N+determined by+O to be+C
でんしゃ理論135 ①it~that構文と不完全他動詞:It was assumed that S+V
でんしゃ理論136 ①要求・提案動詞の用法:This required that I create+O
でんしゃ理論137 ①it~for~to構文とthere is構文:It~for there to be+C
でんしゃ理論138 ①関係代名詞whichの用法:the extent to which people expect that-cl
でんしゃ理論139 ①間接疑問形容詞の用法:say which one of these S+V(vt)+C
でんしゃ理論140 ①所有格と目的格による意味上の主語:people having more say ~ should be+C
②自動詞の働き--関数関係:This compares to+O
でんしゃ理論141 ①be likely toの用法:(be) the most likely to respond that-cl
(should) be for people to-inf(for~toの用法)
でんしゃ理論142 ①文全体修飾副詞:Interestingly, S+V
②1つの名詞を語句と節が限定:those with-phr who+V(vi)
でんしゃ理論143 ①it~thatの強調構文:it is not N1 but rather N2 that matters
②no matter wh-の用法:S+V, no matter whether it was in+O1 or O2
でんしゃ理論144 ①動詞distinguishの構造的機能:distinguish between+O1 and+O2
②it~that構文か不定主語か:it may be that-cl
③文頭の前置詞ofの用法:Of those that-cl, S+V+the greatest+O
でんしゃ理論145 ①nexusの法則による構造分析:According to+O, S1+V1 as S2+V2 and as S3+V3
②従属接続詞asの構造的機能と意味決定:S1+V1 as S2+change+O
でんしゃ理論146 ①主語に否定語のある関数表現:What is unexpected is+C
でんしゃ理論147 ①関係詞の継続的用法とthat-clの組み合わせ:~ ,which posits that ~, S+V
でんしゃ理論148 ①be動詞による関数式:Of interest is+N
でんしゃ理論149 ①同格の接続詞thatの用法:evidence that-cl
②物主語と動詞showの文頭語としての働き:It shows how-cl
第2巻 目次
でんしゃ理論150 ①接続語such thatの用法:S+V, such that-cl
②純粋形容詞と分詞形容詞:the governing party / the institutions governing politics
でんしゃ理論151 ①不定詞の副詞的用法:S+V, to name+O
②自動詞aimと不定詞の関係:aim to provide+O
でんしゃ理論152 ①as well asの用法:to illuminate+O1 as well as highlight+O2
②to-infの用法:S+is to give+O1+O2
でんしゃ理論153 ①間接疑問形容詞とto-inf:V about which+N to-inf
でんしゃ理論154 ①one~anotherの用法:N1 for one group+V+ N2 of another
でんしゃ理論155 ①関係詞節内の挿入語句:the lesson that I hope emerges from+O
でんしゃ理論156 ①前置詞語句と分詞の優劣関係:a letter from+O1 to+O2 requesting+O3
②動詞restrictとconfineの構造的機能(動詞と前置詞との関係):restrict+O1 to+O2 and confine+O1 to+O2
でんしゃ理論157 ①前置詞と副詞の構造的機能:call(n) for+O1 to open itself up to+O2
②1つの名詞に2つの接続語の優先順位:N, which presented+O1, including+O2
でんしゃ理論158 ①目的語を生物にした場合の処理:(be) charged with+O
でんしゃ理論159 ①他動詞と副詞・前置詞の関係:leave behind+O / bring back+O
でんしゃ理論160 ①前置詞withの用法:S+V, with+O being+C
でんしゃ理論161 ①文要素と付加的構造物の接続法:they found+O1 between+O2 and O3 by focusing on+O4 that emphasized+O5 and O6 of military strength to-inf1 and inf2
でんしゃ理論162 ①分詞構文の多様性:Reacting to+O1, brought to a head by+O2, S+V
でんしゃ理論163 ①他動詞refer toとその構造的機能:(be) referred to as+O
②includingとsuch asの用法:N(s)+(be) guaranteed, including+O1 and O2
でんしゃ理論164 ①動詞achieveと不定詞の関係:achieve+O1 to be recognized as+O2
でんしゃ理論165 ①前置詞の接続関係:In the early years after+O / Soon after+O
②動詞intendの用法:N+intended to-inf
でんしゃ理論166 ①emダッシュ記号の訳出上の扱い方:N(s) ? n1, n2, n3 ? all+V+C
②up from~toの用法:soar to 2,388, up from 417
③不定詞の相互関係:the chance to-inf1+O1 to-inf2+O2 and inf3+O3
でんしゃ理論167 ①文頭の不定詞の処理法:to-inf, S+V
②文頭の動名詞の処理法:Linking+O1 V+O2
③文頭の過去分詞の処理法:excluded from+O1 and divided, S+V+O2
でんしゃ理論168 ①前置詞withの用法:the era with the new Emperor on the throne
でんしゃ理論169 ①ハイフンの用法:World WarⅠ-induced economic boom
②前置詞withの用法:With+international expansion, S+V
でんしゃ理論170 ①followingの用法:Following+O, S+V
②動詞cowの構造的機能:cow+O1 into+O2
③at once~andの用法:at once A, B, and C
でんしゃ理論171 ①文頭の副詞の用法:decisively and dramatically, S+V
でんしゃ理論172 ①接続詞asの用法:Just as had been the case with+O, S+V
②前置詞in favor ofの用法:S+(be) abolished in favor of+O
でんしゃ理論173 ①動詞cultivateと不定詞:cultivate a sound ally to-inf
でんしゃ理論174 ①分詞構文の用法:Starting with+O1 and followed by+O2, S+V
②前置詞amongの被接続語は?他動詞decideの用法:Among+O1, it is difficult to decide which has had the most influence on+O2
でんしゃ理論175 ①前置詞withinの構造的機能:Within months of+O
②動詞takeの構造的機能:take it upon oneself to-inf
でんしゃ理論176 ①関係副詞の継続的用法の前節は?:S1+V1+O1 with+O2, where S2;V2
でんしゃ理論177 ①as well asの用法:A, B, and C, as well as other D, +V
②意味上の主語:from+N1+V1-ing to+N2+V2-ing
③前置詞such asの用法:additional rights are included, such as+O1, O2
でんしゃ理論178 ①不定詞の時制:S+V in the years to follow
でんしゃ理論179 ①接続語thanの用法:a different form than S+V / Rather than+Ving, S+V
②前置詞withの用法:S+V slowly starting ~, with rapid reform ~
でんしゃ理論180 ①関係詞直前の前置詞による倒置:S1+V1, by which was meant+S2
でんしゃ理論181 ①動名詞と意味上の主語:N1+of+N2+introducing+O
②従属接続詞asの用法の特定:S1+grow stronger as S2+V
でんしゃ理論182 ①関係詞の継続的用法と動詞の関係:S1+V1, who+V2 ~ and V3
②カンマ記号による「同格表現」:S+V by having+O1, ensuring+O2 as well as+O3
でんしゃ理論183 ①it~thatの強調構文:It (be) not only business that set their sights on+O
②it~thatの強調構文:it (be) often to them that S+turned
でんしゃ理論184 ①等位接続詞andとorの用法:N to-inf1 and not inf2 or inf3
②間接疑問詞whetherの用法:Whether or not S1+V1 has been+pp
でんしゃ理論185 ①同格のthat:it left open the possibility that-cl
②文頭の不定詞の用法:To clarify+O, he wrote: S+V
でんしゃ理論186 ①主語の同格と一致の法則:more than+O1, the retention of+O2+V
でんしゃ理論187 ①2つの挿入語句:Unlike+O, to whomS1+V1, whose S2+V2, S3+V3
②主節の動詞を修飾する不定詞:do the best S+ can to-inf
③他動詞indict直後の名詞語句の扱い:more than 1,000 indicted war criminals
④動名詞の物主語と不完全他動詞keep:Failing to-inf has kept+O alive
でんしゃ理論188 ①andと2つの構成要素:Vociferous complaints and statements of outrage
②andと2つの構成要素:S1+let+O off, and S2+continue to-inf
でんしゃ理論189 ①文頭の前置詞ofの用法:Of these, S+V+the most important ~
②andと3つの動詞:S+offered+O1, utilized+O2, and formed+O3
でんしゃ理論190 ①関係副詞の継続的用法:S1+came in 1960, when S2+V2
②不定詞の副詞的用法とandとの関係:took to the streets to protest+O
③more thanの用法:Even more than+O, S+V
でんしゃ理論191 ①物主構文とthat-cl:The timing ensured that-cl
②such that-clの用法:S+(be)+such that-cl
③N-of-to-infの用法:The first+N of+O to-inf
④文頭の形容詞の用法:Fresh from+O1 and full of+O2, S+V(
⑤文頭の副詞の用法:Less than+O1, rather than+O2, S+V
でんしゃ理論192 ①人を目的語にする完全他動詞とthat-cl:(be) outraged that-cl
でんしゃ理論193 ①所有格と名詞の関係:increase his party’s public appeal
でんしゃ理論194 ①and otherの用法:standards and other regulations that V+O
②分詞形容詞と名詞の関係:increased citizen demand to-inf
でんしゃ理論195 ①分詞構文の等位接続詞の省略:S+established+O1, dedicating+O2
②特殊な分詞構文の等位接続詞の省略:S(物)+enabled+O(生物) to-inf, Ving
でんしゃ理論196 ①述部の分詞構文:S+continued to proliferate, buoyed by+O
②挿入語句形態の分詞構文文:This, coupled with+O1, created+O2
③文頭の分詞構文:Combined with+O, S+V
でんしゃ理論197 ①asの用法の特定:to do with+O1 as it did with+O2
②先行詞の位置:new institutions are put in place that V+O
でんしゃ理論198 ①代名詞allと文中の分詞構文:N1, N2, and N3, all leading to what-cl
でんしゃ理論199 ①andの用法:the reduction of the power ~ and increased access ~
②文中の分詞構文とandの用法:V1-ed+O1, V2-ing+O2 and thereby V3-ing+O3
でんしゃ理論200 ①「付帯状況」のwith:S+V, with+O+V1-ing and V2-ing
でんしゃ理論201 ①他動詞・自動詞と不定詞to-inf:claim to-inf
でんしゃ理論202 ①付加的構造物と主要構造物の変換による意味論への影響:Along with+O, S+V
②2つの前置詞語句とnexusの法則:with the rise of+O to power
③挿入語句の役割:which would you say is+C?
でんしゃ理論203 ①接続詞asの用法:As expected, S+V
でんしゃ理論204 ①文頭の形容詞の扱い方:consistent with+O, S+V
②機能論と日本語表現とのずれ:there is a difference between+O1 and O2
でんしゃ理論205 ①等位接続詞soの働き:S1+V1, so S2+V2
②副詞の接続詞化:Similarly, S+V
でんしゃ理論206 ①1つの名詞に2つの前置詞の接続:The political preferences of+O1 toward+O2
②文頭の前置詞of の用法:Of those elected, S+V
でんしゃ理論207 ①接続詞asの用法:S+(be)+ exactly as Washington would have liked
②接続詞sinceの用法:S1+need to-inf since S2+V2
③both~andとnot only ~but alsoの組み合わせ:both internationally ? not just ~, but ~? and also domestically
でんしゃ理論208 ①nexusの法則による構造論・機能論):While S1+V1, S2, when S3+V3, V2+O
②物主構文と呼べるか?:S+involve+O to-inf
でんしゃ理論209 ①他動詞useと不定詞の関係:use+O to-inf
②不完全他動詞の受動態は助動詞を生むか?:(be) forced to-inf
でんしゃ理論210 ①to不定詞の被接続語はどれか?:adjust institutions to-inf
②文頭のVingの処理法:Starting~ and continuing~, S+V
でんしゃ理論211 ①emダッシュによる具体的説:(be) elite ? from+A , B(adj), C(adj), and with+D
でんしゃ理論212 ①from~toとandの用:In the late 1980s and early 1990s, S+V
②動詞revealとit~thatの用法:it was revealed that S+V
③過去分詞の用法:The central bureaucracy, once considered+C
④2つの形容詞と不定詞の関係:more capable and more willing to-inf
でんしゃ理論213 ①動詞intendの使い方:N+intended to-inf
②前置詞ofの用法と他の前置詞語句との優先関係:the rise of +O1(人) to+O2
③時制の一致とは何か:was~that began~and has since been+pp
でんしゃ理論214 ①文中での分詞構文:S+V while granting+O1+O2
②文頭での分詞構文:Termed+C, S+V
③such asの扱い方 :~areas that did not merge, such as withdrawing+O,~
④andとotherの使い方:A, B and C, and other D~
⑤目的語に動名詞をとる他動詞:resist reducing+O
でんしゃ理論215 ①it~toの構文(非人称代名詞の不定主語・価値のit):it does not make sense to-inf
②他動詞argueの扱い:it is argued that-cl
③be+ because-clとは:S+could be because-cl
④自動詞か他動詞か?:run for political office
⑤andの用法:A and the accompanying B +Vs
⑥文頭にある副詞の扱い方:Not coincidentally, S+V
でんしゃ理論216 ①前置詞sinceと主節の動詞:become even more difficult since+O
②be動詞とnexusの法則:Leading+O was Shiro Asano
③allow~toの使用法:allow public access ~ to-inf
④他動詞+forとは何か?:advocate(vt) for+O
でんしゃ理論217 ①thatの先行詞は?:The institutional structure and practices that V+O
②in the way thatの働きは?:(be) influenced by changes in the way that-cl
でんしゃ理論218 ①not just ~ but alsoの亜型:S is not just about+O. It also helps to-inf
②not~butの亜型と強調:S+V+O1, not O2
③物主構文と文中の分詞構文:S+V(remain)+C, enabling+O to-inf
④there is 構文の主語と付加的構造物:there is+S prep+O
でんしゃ理論219 ①二重の前置詞語句とnexus関係:the blocking of NGOs from~
②物主構文と自動詞:public outcry over~led to+O
でんしゃ理論220 ①接続詞as「比例」の意味と動詞の関係:As S1+increases and S2+become accustomed to~
②to-infは目的か結果か?:S+utilized+O to talk about
③英語の後置用法と日本語の前置用法:talk about+O1 as+O2 within+O3 that-cl
でんしゃ理論221 ①形容詞の構造的機能:symbolic ritual reminiscent of+O
②nexusの法則とandの使用法:S+gather and are granted an audience by+O
③中身のwith:S+V+O1, with a usage rate exceeding+O2
④前置詞ofと不定詞の関係:the ability of nonprofit groups to-inf
でんしゃ理論222 ①, where S+Vの用法:S1+ V1 prep+O, where S2+V2
②rather thanの用法:(to)stay at home rather than entering(enter)+O
でんしゃ理論223 ①挿入語句の用法:The director of the center, who used to be+C, V+O
でんしゃ理論224 ①動詞と分詞との関係:(be)+justified using+O
②, whileの用法:~, while at the same time S+V
でんしゃ理論225 ①分詞構文の挿入語句の処理法:S, coupled with+O, +V ~
②that節をとっても自動詞とは?:S(生物) worry that S+V
でんしゃ理論226 ①主語と同じ形態の挿入語句:S(pl) just outlined - A, B, andC - V+O
②受身進行形:(be) being+given access to+O
でんしゃ理論227 ①前置詞toと名詞Nの構造的機能:~ cooperation and ~ programs and solutions to problems
②分詞形容詞の用法:problems facing the aging
③純粋形容詞と分詞形容詞としての現在分詞:values favoring(prp) social differentiation
でんしゃ理論228 ①名詞the right(duty)の構造的機能:the right(duty) to+O(n) to-inf
②他動詞demandの用法:demand that S+provide(vt)+O
③分詞構文の付帯状況と前置詞:V in the hopes of+O = V, hoping that-cl
④分詞構文の付帯状況と前置詞:Following a precedent~, S+V
⑤他動詞claimの用法:what was claimed to be+C
でんしゃ理論229 ①不定詞の目的と結果:no government money can be used to+V原形
②関係詞の継続的用法:~ should not be seen as~, which would be~
でんしゃ理論230 ①不定詞の目的が「行為・結果」に:S+inspired+O to create ~
②原因・理由・根拠の前置詞for:sues+O1 for+O2 / ruled in favor of+O1 for+O2
でんしゃ理論231 ①関係詞の「継続的用法」と挿入語句:When S1+V1, which occurred simultaneously with+O, S2+V2
②関係詞と接続詞と不定詞の接続関係:V1+autonomy to-inf1+O1 that V2+O2 and V3+O3 to-inf2
でんしゃ理論232 ①andと用法の異なる2つの動詞:(be) demanding and being granted, +O
②thatは関係代名詞なのか?:~ in ways that have preserved
③形容詞の修飾関係:a political process compatible with+O
でんしゃ理論233 ①2つの節の接続関係は?: political efficacy came S+V
②2つの動詞と副詞notとby語句の接続関係:S+had not adopted+O1 and championed+O2 by+O3
③関係詞の継続的用法・理由:S+V, which led to+O
でんしゃ理論234 ①andの省略とカンマ記号:an inherited, elitist role
②be動詞の機能:consistent with+O1 is the copious use of+O2
③前置詞と接続詞の使い分け:N, such as+O1 and O2 in+O3 or O4 by+O5 to+O6
④前置詞asと動詞の関係:it~to describe+O1 that-cl as+O2
でんしゃ理論235 ①助動詞とは何か?:It used to be that-cl
②S+V (be)の省略形:S+V when necessary
でんしゃ理論236 ①前置詞語句の接続関係:A and B of+O1 from+O2 until+O3
でんしゃ理論237 ①接続関係とカンマ記号の働き:N(antecedent), including+O, that-cl
②副詞sufficientlyとenoufhの違い:V+O sufficiently to be+C
でんしゃ理論238 ①as語句と動詞の構造的機能:act as+O1, and serve as+O2
②「挿入語句」と「言い換え」:an important, arguably the most important, +N
③from~toの変化形と機能:S+V+O, from+O1, to+O2, (and) to+O3
でんしゃ理論239 ①関係詞の継続的用法(理由):S+V, which is why-cl
②過去分詞か前置詞か?:N1 related to+O1, and other N2 related to+O2
でんしゃ理論240 ①in thatの表現形態:S1+V1 in (the way) that S2+V2
②過去分詞か前置詞か?:S+V+O1 based on+O2
③自動詞の他動詞化:S+relied on+O
④前置詞か副詞句か?:V (be) far from+C
でんしゃ理論241 ①文中の分詞構文の処理:S1+V1 as S2+V2, S3+V3, and S4+V4, making+O+C
②, which-clを挿入語句にするには?:S+V1(be+pp), which covered+O, and V2(be+pp)
でんしゃ理論242 ①前置詞と接続詞の接点:To the extent that-cl, S+V
②名詞effortの構造的機能:private and public efforts to address+O
③動詞の構造的機能と複雑な意味の特定:(be) transformed into+O / changed+O1 from+O2 to+O3
でんしゃ理論243 ①rather thanの性質は何か?:the local rather than the national government
②他動詞provideは特殊な完全他動詞:provide+O1 to (for)+O2
③変則的機能のboth~andの用法:affected both the ways that-cl and also on the way that-cl
でんしゃ理論244 ①前置詞のような分詞構文の働き:Consistent with a view of+O1 as+O2, S+V
②自動詞の他動詞化:compete for+O1 with+O2
でんしゃ理論245 ①emダッシュ記号と挿入語句の扱い:people ? men who-cl ? began to-inf
②形容詞inclusiveと他動詞includeの扱い:S1+(be)+inclusive of+O, and S2+include+O
③emダッシュ記号と挿入語句の扱い:To the extent that-cl ? S1+V1 ? S+V
でんしゃ理論246 ①不完全他動詞の本質的機能とthat-cl形成:S (物主語)+ suggested that-cl
②文頭の前置詞ofの処理法:Of+O(s), only one+V
③前置詞of+O(普通名詞)は文要素になるか?:S+V(be) of+O(普通)
でんしゃ理論247 ①動詞requireとthat-clの関係:S (物)+ requires that-cl
②名詞の構造的機能:solution to(for)+O
でんしゃ理論248 ①名詞relationshipとbetweenとの関係:the relationship between+O1 and O2
②先行詞が「物」で関係副詞whereとは何か?:the system was one where-cl (rel.adv)
③分詞構文の付帯状況と分詞形容詞の関係:grew up thinking that-cl
でんしゃ理論249 ①文頭の前置詞句と分詞構文:In contrast to(with)+O, S+V
②形容詞の構造的機能:(be) successful in+O(形容詞の構造的機能)
でんしゃ理論250 ①自動詞と不定詞の関係:S+went on to-inf
②名詞と不定詞、そしてofと不定詞の関係:the willingness of+O to-inf
第3巻(完) 目次
でんしゃ理論251 ①先行詞省略の関係副詞と間接疑問詞との関係:about how-cl
②不定詞をとる名詞の構造的機能:a way to-inf
③1つの名詞に対する関係詞と不定詞の関係:a systematic study of+O from which to judge
④他動詞estimateの用法:Chifuren estimates that-cl
⑤from~toの変形:from+O1 from when-cl to+O2
でんしゃ理論252 ①名詞の機能:connections between+O1, O2, andO3
②二重前置詞の構造:power to choose from among+O
③名詞に接続する現在分詞と不定詞の違い:N+adjusting to+O
でんしゃ理論253 ①結果の反応の前置詞:to the (amused) chagrin of+O (人), S+V
②関係詞の二重限定:one chief that S1+V1 who V2
③助動詞とit~that:It used to be that S+V
でんしゃ理論254 ①前置詞ofの機能:Of+O(s), three+V1 and two+V2
②動詞entitleの機能:(be) entitled to+O
でんしゃ理論255 ①相関語句other than:A+other than+B
②自動詞とbecause節の関係:join because-cl
③depending onの用法:S+V, depending on+O
でんしゃ理論256 ①関係副詞whereの用法:a program where-cl
②相関語句for~toとnexusの法則:N (for+O) to-inf ⇒ N (which) S+V
③喜怒哀楽の感情動詞pleaseの受動態:(be) pleased with+O
④接続詞andの形式の同一性:their accomplishments and the new image that-cl
でんしゃ理論257 ①similar toの用法:similar to+O, S+V
②動詞helpの用法:S+V, helping with+O
でんしゃ理論258 ①前置詞と等位接続詞の機能の違いと意味の関係:In addition to+V1-ing, S+also V2
②接続語rather thanの機能とnexusの法則:Rather than+N+O(V-ing), S+V
③完全他動詞と不完全他動詞の境界線:located+O to-inf
④前置詞の目的語の形態:prior to when-cl
でんしゃ理論259 ①前置詞と接続詞の優劣関係と伏線用語の原則:shifts in power between both O1 and O2 and within+O3
②他動詞perceiveの用法と訳出:(be) perceived to have been unable ~
でんしゃ理論260 ①分詞構文の付帯状況のデリケートな用法:S+V, preferring that-cl
②前置詞asの捉え方:characterize+O as+pp
③ask~ofの用法:S+ask more of+O than vice versa
でんしゃ理論261 ①not only A or Bの用法:not only for+O or because S+V
②主語と述語の一致の法則:N1 and especially N2 is+C
③前置詞forとhow to-infの関係:for how to-inf
でんしゃ理論262 ①make sure旗動詞か、それとも自動詞か?:made sure that-cl
②不完全他動詞wantの物目的語の訳出は?:want+O(物) to-inf
でんしゃ理論263 ①他動詞empowerの用法 :empower women to-inf
②(be) conscious that-clの用法:(be) conscious that-cl
でんしゃ理論264 ①助動詞の形態と完了形との関係:(be) likely to have been concentrated in ~
②不定詞の「目的」を「結果」で訳せるか:held up+O to count off on one’s fingers
でんしゃ理論265 ①動詞expectと不定詞との関係:expect+O(人) to have+pp ⇒ V+O+C
②andの多様な働き、挿入語句か?:at least one, and likely more than one,
③相関語句not~untilの用法:(be) not introduced until+A
でんしゃ理論266 ①文全体修飾副詞の用法:Interestingly, S+V
②feel likeの用法:feel like you should do what you can
でんしゃ理論267 ①文頭に節clauseを用いた表現法:that is how-cl
②感情・信念動詞と筆者の主観的傾向(心的態度)の関係:(be) surprised to find that-cl
③文頭に節clauseを用いた表現法:This is a practice that-cl
でんしゃ理論268 ①他動詞examineの用法:examine(vt) how-cl
②3つの動詞と1つの不定詞の関係:(be) integrated, evolved, and multiplied to contribute to+O
でんしゃ理論269 ①相関語句from~intoの用法:from+O1 with+O2 in A and then gradually into O3, S+V
②for~toの用法と接続関係:movements ~ for+O not to-inf
③前置詞化へのプロセス:as distinct from+O
でんしゃ理論270 ①not merely~but ratherの用法:(be) not merely A(adj) but rather B(v)
②他動詞intendの用法:(be) intended to-inf ⇒ intend+O to-inf
でんしゃ理論271 ①asの用法・・・省略のための倒置:S1+V1, as V2+S2
②他動詞claimの用法:claim that S+(should)+V
でんしゃ理論272 ①筆者の主観的傾向:it is not necessarily the case that-cl
②他動詞allowの用法:the allowing(n) of+O to-inf
でんしゃ理論273 ①動詞argueの用法:argue for(against)+O
②命令文とthat節の関係:Please note that-cl
③形容詞likelyの用法:it is much more likely that-cl
でんしゃ理論274 ①no matterの用法:no matter A, B, or C
②付帯状況の関係:S+V, in cooporation with+O
でんしゃ理論275 ①形容詞語句と前置詞の関係:initiating policies independent of+O1 or in the context of+O2
②動詞holdの用法:(is) held accountable to+O1 for+O2
でんしゃ理論276 ①関係詞と先行詞の間にある前置詞語句:N(antecedent) in+O that-cl
②includingとsuch asの違い:Groups that-cl saw+O1, including+O2, O3
③前置詞の被修飾語は?:S+V how to-inf based on+O
でんしゃ理論277 ①norの扱い:S+V1 not, nor V2+S
②他動詞の機能とandの形式の同一性:want+O1 to-inf, O2, and O3+pp
でんしゃ理論278 ①受動態の文頭語と分詞構文:(Being) Characterized by+O, S+V
②物主語と他動詞seeの関係:S(物) saw+O
でんしゃ理論279 ①文修飾副詞significantlyの用法:Significantly, S+V
②前置詞as well as の用法:both A as well as B
③この構造は何だ?:most importantly V(be)+S, which-cl
でんしゃ理論280 ①対義語discourageとencourageの用法の違い:(be) discouraged from+V-ing
②rather thanの用法:contributing to rather than alleviating+O
③動詞allow forの用法:allowing for+O to be+C
でんしゃ理論281 ①接続語givenの用法:While S1+V1 given+O, S2+V2
②関係詞の二重限定:pro-democratic changes that V1+adv1 that V2+adv2
でんしゃ理論282 ①most often whenとは?:most often when S1+V1, S2+V2
②他動詞selectとasの関係:(be) selected as+O
でんしゃ理論283 ①not ~ because ofの表現法:not+C(adj) because of+O
②他動詞reconcileの用法:reconcile+O1 with+O2
でんしゃ理論284 ①that節を目的語とする命令文の構造:Note that S+V
②前置詞語句の直前の数詞の働き:nearly a decade before+O
でんしゃ理論285 ①他動詞leadの用法:S(物) led+O(生物) to-inf ⇒ Vt+O+C
でんしゃ理論286 ①2つの前置詞をとる動詞の機能:apology to+O1 for+O2
②involvingとregardingの用法:N involving+O1 regarding+O2
でんしゃ理論287 ①数詞numeralの働き:Within a month after+O, S+V
でんしゃ理論288 ①and~as wellの用法:its education and international programs as well
②rather thanの用法:rather than being proud of~, S+V
でんしゃ理論289 ①動詞の名詞化によるandの用法:cooperation with and service to+O
でんしゃ理論290 ①前置詞句の判定:in preparation for+O1 and in response to+O2, S+V
②過去分詞designed forの用法・前置詞化:A(n) designed for+O
でんしゃ理論291 ①不定詞の働きは何か?:diversify one’s sources to-inf
でんしゃ理論292 ①過去分詞の用法:from+O1 aimed at ~ to+adv oriented O2
でんしゃ理論293 ①as well asの用法:both a adj1 as well as+adj2 O
②文頭のwithの用法:With+O, S+V
でんしゃ理論294 ①be+to-infの用法:S is to-inf
でんしゃ理論295 ①仮定法未来:S would do if S were to+V-inf
②so that~willの用法:S1+V1 so S2+will V2
でんしゃ理論296 ①程度・比較の前置詞overと動詞の種類:prioritize+O1 over+O2
でんしゃ理論297 ①カンマ記号による同格表現:V1, has V2ed and V3
でんしゃ理論298 ①it~thatの構文:It is because-cl that S1+V1, and it is because of+O that S2+V2
②主部の挿入語句の扱い:S+, of all possible things~, V the most
でんしゃ理論299 ①be動詞と倒置の用法:most striking is+S
②接続語albeitの用法:albeit prep+O, S+V
でんしゃ理論300 ①and以下の挿入語句の用法は何か?:S1, and the reason that-cl, is that S2, and the resources that-cl, are ~
でんしゃ理論301 ①anyの働き:not any of+O as ~ as-cl
②前置詞の目的語の構造:not because of who-cl, but because of who-cl
でんしゃ理論302 ①物主語と動詞seeの用法:S (物)+ saw+O (物)
②関係副詞の継続的用法:S1+V1, when S2+V2
でんしゃ理論303 ①andの用法とboth、動詞Vとwhatの関係:both about what and how S+V+O
②動詞end upの用法:ended up being+C
でんしゃ理論304 ①間接疑問詞と関係副詞の用法:V1 (vt) when S2+V2
③more ~ rather thanの用法:more (adv) ~ rather than+O
でんしゃ理論305 ①自動詞の他動詞化:(be) aware of+O
でんしゃ理論306 ①it~thatの強調構文:it is those connections that V+O / It is one’s face ~, ~, that V+O
でんしゃ理論307 ①make itの用法:S+ did not make it to+O
②分詞構文の接続詞省略、accept~asの機能:Disillusioned with~, S+accepted~ as
③動詞と不定詞の副詞的用法(目的):moved back to+O to-inf
でんしゃ理論308 ①副詞notがあるけれど動詞のない表現法:Not one to be idle, S+V
②この分詞構文の働きは?:Adopting+O, S+V
③現在分詞askingと被修飾語との関係:flyers to+O1 asking+O2 to-inf
でんしゃ理論309 ①仮定法の条件節と帰結節の関係:If it hadn’t been for~, I don’t think I would have+Ved
でんしゃ理論310 ①前置詞句の意味の特定:without regard to+O
でんしゃ理論311 ①形容詞luckyの用法:(be) lucky enough to join her ~
②前置詞inの被修飾語:the merging of ~Japanese values in ~ ways
でんしゃ理論312 ①分詞構文の分詞の省略か?:Unusual for+O, S+V
②it~that構文とnot~butの組み合わせ:it was not that-cl, but rather that-cl
でんしゃ理論313 ①it looks likeのitの用法:If it looks like S1+V1, S2+V2
②従属接続詞とみるべきなのか?:By the time S1+V1, S2+V2
でんしゃ理論314 ①whとto不定詞:~about whether to-inf, how to-inf
②他動詞ageの用法:N+aged thirty-five to forty
でんしゃ理論315 ①他動詞surpriseとthat-clの関係:I was surprised that-cl)
②it~thatの用法でthatの省略:tell anyone about it S+V
でんしゃ理論316 ①動詞wonderと間接疑問詞:~ wondering what happened to ~
でんしゃ理論317 ①自動詞seemの用法:~ seemed designed
でんしゃ理論318 ①間接疑問詞と関係副詞の区別の限界:were when-cl
②副詞five yearsとaheadの用法:Jump five years ahead to+O
でんしゃ理論319 ①前置詞betweenの用法:between quitting ~, waiting ~, and trying ~
②前置詞語句か従属接続詞か?:At the time S1+V1 S2+V2
でんしゃ理論320 ①andの用法(構成要素は2つなのか1つなのか):my dissertation and first book
でんしゃ理論321 ①動詞coupleの用法:N+coupled with+O
②chooseの目的語wh-to-infの本質:choose whom to marry or not marry
でんしゃ理論322 ①2つの語句の関係:a charming British accent, the legacy of ~
でんしゃ理論323 ①nexusの法則の適用範囲:S+V, so being located ~
でんしゃ理論324 ①close toの用法:to be close to+O / the coast close to+O
でんしゃ理論325 ①関係詞節の挿入語句:N+that she foresaw would happen
でんしゃ理論326 ①副詞with(in)と関係詞の関係:N+that S+ (be) involved with ~
でんしゃ理論327 ①他動詞concernの用法:S(物)+concern+O(物)
②自動詞inquireの用法:inquired into+O
でんしゃ理論328 ①過去分詞grownの用法と意味:S+V(be) grown
②not nearly as ~asの用法:not nearly as high as~
でんしゃ理論329 ①関係代名詞と間接疑問詞の関係:S+V(vt)+the ways in which-cl
でんしゃ理論330 ①筆者の主観的傾向と不定主語のitの用法:It is not likely that-cl
②他動詞guaranteeの用法:(be) guaranteed to be+PP(他動詞guaranteeの用法)
でんしゃ理論331 ①A, not Bの表現法:as+O1, not specifically as+O2
②there is 構文と倒置:No longer are there+S
でんしゃ理論332 ①性質の異なる構造物間の同格:S+V+C1 (adj), C2 (n)
②sufficiently~thatの用法:S+V+ sufficiently C (adj) that-cl
でんしゃ理論333 ①文修飾副詞:Hopefully S+V
でんしゃ理論334 ①関係詞wherebyの用法:a long process whereby S+V
でんしゃ理論335 ①否定の副詞語句を強調するための倒置:At no time will S+V
でんしゃ理論336 ①名詞conceptの構造的機能:a concept that is+C(adj)
②includingの用法:S+V prep+O1, including+O2
でんしゃ理論337 ①certainly, essentiallyの用法:Certainly, S+V / Essentially, S+V
でんしゃ理論338 ①分詞構文と前置詞との境界:S+V when compared with+O
でんしゃ理論339 ①require that-clの用法:requires that-cl
②物主構文の訳出法とit~for~to-infの訳出法:make it impossible for ~
でんしゃ理論340 ①show how-clの用法:S(物) shows how-cl
でんしゃ理論341 ①not always~but alsoの用法:not always V1, but also V2
でんしゃ理論342 ①The second timeの用法:The second time S1+V1, S2+V2
でんしゃ理論343 ①動詞respondの用法:respond(vi) by+O(v-ing)
②他動詞moveの用法:(be) not moved to-inf ]
でんしゃ理論344 ①他動詞challengeの用法:challenge+O to-inf
でんしゃ理論345 ①there is構文と現在分詞の用法:there may be+S, supporting+O
②文中での現在分詞の用法:S+is the first to demonstrate, using+O, that-cl
でんしゃ理論346 ①前置詞withの用法:S+V, with+O+focusing on ~
②前置詞語句と分詞構文「付帯状況」の関係:S+V, often in cooperation with+O
でんしゃ理論347 ①as節への挿入語句:Just as Levi (1988) argued was the case when S1+V1, S2+V2
でんしゃ理論348 1~347までの応用
でんしゃ理論349 ①前置詞による文修飾副詞語句:To the dismay of+O, S+V
でんしゃ理論350 ①althoughの等位接続詞の用法:S+V, although not necessarily+C(n)



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